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Have You Read the Fine Print? Don’t Overpay for Your Taxes

Recently, I placed an ad in one of the local papers and when I found it in the published issue, I noticed another accountant was right above my ad. Now, that did make complete sense since it was a special section for tax season. What was annoying to me was the promotion the other accountant was sharing.

I was proudly showing my rate (no strings attached). Then I noticed their rate  was slightly lower. But, really, was it? When I read more of the ad it seemed in the fine print were additional costs for services which are included in my pricing making their fees almost double what was featured in their ad. I thought to myself, “How many of the readers knew to read the fine print and ask the right questions?” In this case it was very important to read the fine print.

Also, it seems some accountants, not all of them, are taking advantage of the health insurance verification requirements of the Affordable Care Act by adding fees for the “additional work” required. If your accountant is charging for this, please ask him to explain the additional work.

My fees include everything that is needed for tax preparation for a 1040. No hidden fees. If I feel it is going to require me to do additional work, then and only then, do we discuss additional costs.

It’s not too late for me to help you or someone you know to prepare your taxes.

My fee is $60 and if you are a new client you receive a 10% discount. Yes, not only is there peace of mind knowing your taxes will be prepared correctly but also savings in many ways.

The fine print here is…”there is no fine print.”