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Accounting and Tax Services

For individuals, the accounting and tax services of A Mazzo Accounting Services tax services, tax and accounting services, payroll services reading PA, payroll services wyomissing PA, accounting services Wyomissing PA, payroll services sinking spring pa, payroll services west reading pa, accounting services kenhorst painclude income tax return preparation. Whether you have a simple or complex return, have itemized deductions (Schedule A), have a small business (Schedule C), or have rental properties (Schedule E) we can prepare it.

Our accountant in Reading, PA can prepare all State forms and schedules for PA and other states, including the PA1000 (PA Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program) and all Local forms.

We perform E-filing of all Federal and State returns at no extra cost.

A Mazzo Accounting Services can provide tax planning to help individuals better manage their taxes. We can also research and provide answers to tax questions and concerns.

Finally, our PA bookkeeper can assist individuals with questions on preparing other forms which require tax information.

Our goal is to provide the finest payroll services, bookkeeping services, accounting services and tax services to those in and around Wyomissing, Sinking Spring, Kenhorst, Reading and West Reading PA, and the surrounding areas. We are always responsive.
Committed to the highest standards of ethics and customer service, with us, you are our number one priority.
However, each client is not seen as a number. Long-term relationships are what we aim to build with our clients, always offering our professional services for reasonable prices.